Avenga helps: fast, targeted and unbureaucratic humanitarian help
Avenga helps
Fast, targeted, unbureaucratic
humanitarian aid for Ukraine

With each passing day, the situation of the people in Ukraine worsens. Millions have already become refugees. They urgently need help NOW – and your donation counts!
The non-profit organization Avenga helps (Avenga hilft e.V.) collects donations, 100% of which go to humanitarian aid projects in Ukraine and to refugees fleeing the war. The organization was founded in 2022 in response to the Russian invasion by the employees and management of the global Avenga Group. About 1,200 people work for the company in Ukraine. We want to help not only our colleagues and their families, but all people who are in need because of this war. And for this we need your support.
How Avenga helps uses your donations
Now it’s all about fast, targeted, unbureaucratic humanitarian help.
With your donations we support people affected by the war and its consequences in Ukraine, whether in Ukraine itself or another country. Since we are in constant exchange with our friends and colleagues, we know the current needs and can provide help quickly and unbureaucratically wherever it is needed at that very moment.
To this end, Avenga helps collects money and works closely with local partners. These can be public authorities, municipalities, mayors, private projects, or aid organizations. We support them with cash donations, tangible aid deliveries, logistics, and networking. In addition, we also forward funds to recognized aid organizations working in Ukraine. Our goal is to ensure that your donation reaches where it is needed as quickly as possible.
Your help is very much appreciated and we will make sure it gets into the right hands. We promise that 100 percent of the donated money will be used for humanitarian aid for the people in Ukraine. Any costs incurred for administration and organization will not be covered by the donation account, but will be borne by Avenga and several partner companies.

Donate now!
Please donate via bank transfer/Giro to:
Recipient: Avenga hilft e.V.
Subject: Ukraine Aid
IBAN: DE21 3705 0198 1936 3492 48
Bank: Sparkasse Köln Bonn
If you need a donation receipt, please send us an email with your name, address, the donation amount, the purpose and the date of your transfer. The processing on our side will be even easier if you include your name and address directly in the subject of the bank transfer.

We thank the following partners for their generous financial support
Special thanks to the following partners for their useful and targeted donations in kind and their hands-on support
In addition to a donation, if you would like to support our efforts with services, transportation of goods, or otherwise, please contact us.
Donations of all kinds for Ukraine
Since the first days of the war, our employees in Poland and Germany have been collecting donations. A lot of boxes were packed: Clothes, hygiene articles, children’s toys, food, … Our transports with these and other relief goods go mainly to Lviv in the west of Ukraine. From there they are taken to the people who are in urgent need of this aid.
State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lviv Region
Certificate of Appreciation awarded to:
“Avenga Hilft e.V.”
for significant contribution to the development of the fire and rescue service of Lviv region and humanitarian assistance during wartime
Chief Major General of Civil Defence Service
Yuriy Kagitin
06/08/2022 Lviv

Your donation makes a difference
This letter reached us from the town of Włodawa in eastern Poland, near the border with both Belarus and Ukraine:
„I would like to thank Avenga Germany GmbH for organizing and transporting 18 pallets of dressing supplies for those affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine.
The support offered by your company gives us the opportunity to provide further assistance on a European scale.
I would like to assure you that all of the aid received will be given to Ukraine.”
Wiesław Muszyński
Mayor of Włodawa
Włodawa, 5 March 2022